For four decades homeowners in this Victorian village have invited visitors inside their historic residences to share the joys of the holiday season. The tradition continues December 7, 2024. Come stroll through one of the largest historical districts in the country, when the Eureka Springs Preservation Society hosts The 44th Annual Eureka Springs Preservation Society Christmas Tour of Homes. Tickets go on sale November 7, 2024 at 9:00 am. The cost of a ticket is $30.00.
Several locations will be participating in this year's Tour, giving guests a glimpse of a bygone era. All stops on the self-guided tour will be decorated for the season with docents at each site. Each location offers an opportunity to revisit the grandeur of the graceful era and its unique, enchanting locations.
Remembering Christmas past is a great way to begin making memories for Christmas present. The attention to detail in each of the homes makes this Tour truly special for architectural buffs, history enthusiasts, and those who simply enjoy beauty for its own sake.
It's a lovely way to begin your holidays. If you've never been, come and immerse yourself in the magic, merriment, and mystery of a bygone era. And if you've celebrated the season with us before, we welcome your family back for this fabulous holiday tradition.
Tickets include use of Eureka Springs Trolley between Tour homes during Tour hours only.
What style are the homes on the tour?
Homes in Eureka Springs vary in age, size, and style. Most are high-stooped with 4 to 12 steps to climb for entry and are not handicapped accessible. These homes are private residences, so interior design may range from period, to traditional, to contemporary, and to modern.
How many sites will we see on the tour?
Each walking tour, typically, offers a minimum of five to six residences, as well as other historic churches and businesses.
Where does my walking tour start?
An official Tour Guidebook will be available online ahead of Tour and Guidebook at the New Orleans Hotel. The address of each site is included in the Guidebook and clearly marked on a map. Volunteer docents will greet you at each site. Each site is also marked with signage. Guests are encouraged to take the Tour at their own pace and site visits need not be in the numeric order they are found in the Guidebook.
What else should I know?
Wear comfortable, rubber-soled walking shoes. There are numerous steps, stairs, and inclines on the Tour route, and inside homes. Allow about two hours for the Tour, but set your own pace.
Tour guide books will be available the day of the Tour at The Piedmont House 165 Spring Street or scan the QR code on website to display on phone. Be sure to catch the RED Trolley for homes on Spring Street. Catch the Tour or Special Trolley for homes on Douglas Street. Your ticket is also a trolley pass to ride from 2pm to 6pm on the Tour route. The Trolley's hold 45 passengers we ask that you help by spacing out times if everyone shows at 2pm there will be long waits. A suggestion have lunch Downtown then walk over to the Grand Central Hotel were Douglas Street begins that is where the Trolley will drop you.Wear comfortable, rubber-souled walking shoes!! There are numerous steps, stairs and inclines on Tour route and inside homes. Allow about 1-2 hours for Tour. Start the Tour at any Tour location.